Graduation & Goodbyes

I’ve graduated from school with a complete portfolio of all that I’ve cooked thus far. So what does that mean? Well, first and foremost it means this blog has finally come to end.

I’ve put off making a final post to this collection of posts because I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to continue it. I thought about following it up with my finals, my graduation, or the progress in my “co-op” term (which begins next week). They say that artists never finish their work; they simply abandon it – but this blog is by no means art so I feel it deserves a final goodbye post.

So thanks to everyone who’s kept up or checked back on this blog to see how far it’s come! I’m excited to move on to bigger and better things, diploma in hand, and more importantly: to move home. I’ve missed Vancouver dearly and I could not be more stoked to properly begin my career there.



Io e la mia famiglia alla mia laurea!



Stuffed rabbit saddle

Rabbit saddle stuffed with fresh basil, tomato confit, and anchovies with a side of almandine potatoes
Râble de lapin farci aux tomates confites et anchois, pommes de terre amandines

May 27th, 2017

Pan-fried venison medallions

Médallions de chevreuil, haricots coco aux chantrelles et cépes, sauce poivrade
Pan-fried deer meat medallions (venison tenderloin fillets) with white bean truffle puree, confit glazed onions and potato spiral towers
The potato spirals stuffed with white kidney bean puree is easily the most tasty part of the plate.

May 27th, 2017